A Dedicated Home for the Arts
Events & Performances
Be awed by world-class artists in our intimate 355-seat theatre, nestled in the Adirondack mountains.
Classes & Camps
Find your creative outlet with online or in-person workshops for students of all ages and skill levels.
Experience stunning work from more than 100 visual artists across two galleries, featuring locally and nationally renowned artists.
Artists & Opportunities
Discover resources for artists and arts organizations to help create a lasting impact on arts and culture in our communities and beyond.
Events & Performances
Upcoming Events
Lake Placid-North Elba Historical Society Winter Speaker Series
Wednesday, January 15, 7:00pm
Great Art On Screen – Munch: Love, Ghosts and Lady Vampires
Saturday, February 1, 1:00pm
Classes at LPCA
Learning & Education
Donate today to shape what you read, hear and see at the LPCA each year…
Latest Updates
Sacre by Circa @ LPCA
From hoop dancing, to theatre arts, to getting creative in the pottery studio, get ready to have some fun with us this summer at Camp LPCA!